Rear-end accidents happen frequently on San Antonio’s busy streets. They’re often caused by tailgating, driving while distracted, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, speeding or reckless driving. When traffic gets backed up on Interstate 10, a speeding driver could cause a rear-end accident. A distracted driver could cause a rear-end wreck at the intersection of Randolph Boulevard and Weirdner Road.
Whatever the cause may be, the driver who crash into a vehicle in front of them is almost always at fault. While most rear-end accidents happen at low speeds, severe, life-altering injuries can happen at any speed. If you were injured in a rear-end accident, you shouldn’t have to suffer because of someone else’s negligence. That’s why you need to talk to an experienced San Antonio car accident attorney at Tracey Fox & Walters.
Serious injuries are common in rear-end collisions
One common injury sustained in a rear-end accident is whiplash. The accident victim’s head jerks forward and backward in a rapid motion, causing damage to the neck and spine. Symptoms may not be immediately present, but if left untreated, whiplash can cause more future suffering and permanent damage. At high impact, more severe injuries such as brain injuries and broken bones can occur. Recovery could take months or even years, causing medical bills and loss of wages to wreak havoc on your life.
Yet insurance companies will stop at nothing to downplay your injuries and avoid paying your full compensation. That’s why you need the attorneys of Tracey Fox & Walters on your side. We’ll aggressively pursue your case and get results.
Don’t hesitate; contact a trusted law firm
After you’ve sustained an injury from a rear-end accident, you can’t always count on insurance companies to cover your losses. At most, you may receive a small settlement. But such a settlement is never enough to cover the accumulating medical bills and loss of wages. That’s why you need Tracey Fox & Walters on your side. We’ll get the results you deserve so you can focus on recovery.
Contact us online or call our San Antonio office today and schedule your free case evaluation. We want to help you.