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Pain After a Texas Accident

You may have whiplash, a concussion or a back injury

The pain you feel after a car accident is real and it’s important to take your pain seriously right from the start. Sore muscles or joints could be a sign of a serious injury sustained in your motor vehicle accident. If you don’t have your injury diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, your health and well-being could be at risk.

We get it at Tracey Fox & Walters and we want to help. Our tough, Texas car accident attorneys have dedicated our careers to helping injury victims just like you. We take our jobs seriously because we know the stakes are so high. We want to meet with you and learn more about exactly what happened to you.

Where does it hurt after your accident?

So many different factors in a car accident an affect where you feel pain after your crash. The speed of both vehicles. They direction they were traveling. The point of impact. All of these things matter and can mean the difference between a minor injury and a serious, permanent disability.

Below, you can find more information about pain and car accidents:

We encourage you to contact our law firm and schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced car accident lawyers. We understand how the legal system works in Texas and can help you navigate your way through it while you focus on what matters most – recovering from your serious injury.

Pain symptoms after a car accident

Pain can take various forms after a car accident. Sometimes, people feel pain immediately after the accident. Other times, the pain can be sore and delayed. Common aches and pains people feel after a crash which could be an indication that something is wrong include:

  • Dull aches and pains in the head or neck
  • Shooting, sharp pain in the spine or back
  • Tingling sensation or pain in the shoulder or hands
  • Throbbing pain in the legs or hip
  • Severe pain in the ribs or chest

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Types of injuries associated with certain pain

So what do different types of pain mean? Here are some of the most common injuries associated with different aches and pains people often experience after a car accident. It’s also important to remember that some of these injuries take time to reveal themselves. In certain cases, the pain people feel can be delayed. So if you don’t feel any pain immediately after your accident, that doesn’t mean you’re not injured.

Dizziness Head injury
Constant headaches Concussion
Sore neck Whiplash
Tingling sensation in neck Concussion
Shoulder pain Shoulder injury
Trouble breathing Rib injury
Knee pain Knee injury
Stomach pain Internal organ injury
Hip pain Hip injury
Muscle pain Internal injury

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Pain and suffering after a car accident

Pain and suffering is a legal term often used to describe the overall impact of an injury on an injury victim. The phrase is also often used to refer to financial compensation for the psychological and emotional toll of an accident.

In the case of a car accident, financial compensation for pain and suffering could be available if you or a loved one can no longer do normal or enjoyable activities, including walking, playing a certain sport or be intimate with a loved one. (Loss of intimacy is also known as loss of consortium.)

Your pain and suffering is real. It can negatively impact your life. You deserve financial compensation for your hardship. Don’t underestimate the seriousness of your injuries and your medical condition. Talk to a lawyer and learn more about all the legal options available to you.

Don’t Pay a Penny Unless We Win
Always Free to Talk
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