(713) 495-2333

Loss of Limbs in Houston Car Accidents

Lawyers helping victims of accidental amputation

Car accidents in Houston can result in the loss of an arm or leg. Sometimes, these injuries occur during the accident. Such injuries are known as a "traumatic amputation." Other times, a person's arm or leg needs to be removed later due to the severity of the injuries. That's known as a "surgical amputation."

Losing an arm, a leg or another body part in a motor vehicle accident can be a life-changing experience. And since your injury was likely due to the negligent or reckless behavior of another driver, it's important that you hold them accountable for their actions.

Our dedicated Houston accident attorneys at Tracey Fox & Walters can make sure your rights are respected. We know how the legal system works and what it takes to succeed in such difficult cases. That's why we have such a strong track record. Case results matter here.

Types of injuries sustained in car accidents

Loss of limb injuries are often classified based on where amputation occurred on a person's body. Amputations involving the upper half of the body (arms, hands, etc.) are known as upper limb-amputations. Amputations involving the lower half of body (legs, feet, etc.) are known as lower-limb amputations. Types of amputation injuries include:

Arm amputations

  • Shoulder Disarticulation (Amputation of entire arm)
  • Transhumeral (Above-elbow amputation)
  • Transradial (Forearm amputation)
  • Metacarpal amputation (Removal of hand below the wrist)
  • Wrist disarticulation (Amputation of hand including the wrist)
  • Digit amputation (Removal of fingers)

Leg amputations

  • Hip disarticulation (Amputation of the entire leg and hip joint)
  • Transfemoral amputation (Removal of leg above the knee)
  • Knee disarticulation (Amputation of leg including the knee)
  • Transtibial amputation (Amputation of leg below the knee)
  • Ankle disarticulation (Amputation of foot including the ankle)
  • Foot amputation (Removal of foot below the ankle)
  • Digit amputation (Removal of toes)

Our car accident lawyers demand justice

Simply recovering from your injuries can be challenging in itself. That's why the last thing you need to worry about is dealing with aggressive insurance companies that refuse to cooperate with you after your accident.

We can deal with them on your behalf and handle all the red tape. That's because we have years of experience negotiating with insurance companies. And if they refuse to fairly compensate you, we're prepared to file a lawsuit against them and take them to court.

Remember, you didn't do anything wrong. You shouldn't have to pay for someone else's mistakes. Put your trust in a Houston law firm that delivers results. Contact Tracey Fox & Walters and schedule your free case evaluation today at our Houston office. Your case matters here.

Don’t Pay a Penny Unless We Win
Always Free to Talk
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