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FAQ About Houston Car Accidents

Get answers about your personal injury claim

You've been hurt in a car accident. It's a confusing time, and you may have questions about what comes next. The Houston lawyers at Tracey Fox & Walters can help answer your questions so you can move forward. We can also help you take legal action against the person whose negligence caused your accident.

Here are some examples of questions clients have asked us following an accident. To review the details of your case with an experienced Houston car accident attorney, contact us to schedule a free case evaluation.

Can I still seek damages if the car accident was partially my fault?

In general, yes. First, it is important that you do not say or do anything to incriminate yourself following your accident. Though you may feel you did something wrong, you don't know all of the details. There are many different factors in an accident-for example, there may have been a vehicle defect, a traffic signal could have malfunctioned or the other driver may have been distracted. Until your accident is fully investigated by the police and a Houston car accident lawyer, don't make any statements about who was at fault in your accident.

If you are found to be partially at fault, you still may be eligible to receive some damages. The amount will be determined according to your percentage of blame for the accident. However, if you are found to be 51 percent or more at fault, you will not be able to recover any damages.

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What happens if I am hit by an uninsured driver?

All drivers in Texas are required to buy auto insurance, but the fact is many drivers do not. If you are hit by an uninsured motorist, you must rely on your own insurance coverage to cover the cost of repairs. Insurance companies offer Uninsured Motorist or Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) coverage to provide for these scenarios. Whatever this coverage does not pay will have to be paid out of pocket. You may be able to file a lawsuit against the uninsured driver to recover these costs. An attorney from the Houston law firm Tracey Fox & Walters can tell you more about your options.

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What if my accident was caused by a hit-and-run driver?

In some accidents, the driver who was responsible never stops and simply drives away. This is against the law, so why do people do it? Most likely because they weren't supposed to be driving in the first place. For example, the person may have been drinking or recently lost their driver's license. But where does that leave you?

Sometimes, the police are able to identify the driver. In a case like that, you can seek damages against the driver. But if the driver remains anonymous, you can seek compensation through your own insurance company. An experienced Houston car accident attorney at Tracey Fox & Walters can go over all your options with you.

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What should I bring to my free case evaluation?

When you come to meet us for the first time, bring any information that you have that relates to your car accident. This includes:

  • Photographs of the scene or car
  • Photographs of your injuries
  • Medical records
  • A copy of the police report
  • Witness statements
  • The insurance information of all parties involved in the accident

We'll review all of the information you bring. If there's any other information we require before giving you advice, we'll let you know. Once we have the facts, we can go over your legal options.

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Do I need a lawyer for my Houston car accident?

If there were no injuries, and the accident was minor, you may not - but there's no way to know before you've met with an attorney for a free consultation. If you were hurt in the accident, we strongly recommend talking to an experienced Houston attorney from our firm. You may not be aware of all your options for financial compensation. A lawyer can sort out complicated cases and help protect your rights. Getting legal advice can only help you. And it costs you nothing to meet with us. If we take your case, you don't pay a penny unless we win.

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What should I do after a Houston car accident?

After an accident, you should always call the police. No matter how minor an auto accident may seem, a police report can help determine how the crash occurred and who was at fault. If you are able to do so, gather information. This includes the names of all drivers and passengers involved, vehicle descriptions, driver’s license number, license plate numbers and insurance information. Take photos of the accident scene and obtain names and contact information of nearby witnesses. Next, notify your insurance company, but only provide basic details about the accident. Then contact an experienced Houston lawyer to discuss your options.

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