If you get into a car accident, you usually assume that the other person has insurance. But many drivers don’t, and others carry only the minimum amount required, which may not cover your damages. What can you do if you were injured? The car accident attorneys at Tracey Fox & Walters can help.
Other drivers do have insurance, but carry no more than the minimum required. But this may not be enough to cover the full costs of your accident. The damages you suffer can easily succeed the minimum liability amounts required by law.
So what can you do if you were injured in a car accident by an uninsured or underinsured driver?
Fighting for your rights
You may be able to recover compensation under your own insurance policy if you have uninsured or underinsured motorist protection (UM/UIM). This type of coverage is optional in Texas and your insurance carrier is required to offer it to you. We recommend that all drivers carry this coverage. It can help you recover at least partial compensation for your injuries.
In some cases, a third party may be responsible for your injuries. For example, the manufacturer of defective tires that led to the accident. In those cases, we can pursue a claim against the third party.
If you’ve been injured in a Dallas accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver, you need the law firm that Texas trusts. We’ll evaluate your case for free and advise you of the different legal options you have available to you. You don’t have to be alone through a process that seems confusing and intimidating. Contact us today.