(713) 495-2333

Dallas Back and Spine Injury Lawyer

Did a car accident cause your disc or spinal cord injury?

If you or a loved one has sustained a serious spinal cord injury or back injury in a car accident in Dallas, your life could change forever in an instant. You might not be able to walk or perform other routine tasks.

Dealing with such a serious injury personally or with an injured family member can be overwhelming. You might not be able to work because of your injury. Or you may be struggling to care for an injured loved one on your own.

We understand what you're going through. And we want to help. At Tracey Fox & Walters, our experienced Dallas car accident attorneys have dedicated our careers to fighting for the rights of injury victims. We understand how the legal system works in Dallas County and we have the case results to prove it.

Common injuries

There are many different types of back and spine injuries. At our Dallas firm, we have dealt with many of these injuries over the years. Common injuries include:

Back injuries

  • Back strain or sprain
  • Fractured vertebrae
  • Herniated disk

Spine injuries

  • Complete spinal cord injury
  • Incomplete spinal cord injury
  • Paralysis

A spinal cord injury can instantly change your life. That's why it's critical that you take your injury or an injury to a loved one seriously right from the start. That's why you need our legal team on your side.

We can help you pursue full compensation

If you suffered a back or spine injury in an accident caused by a negligent driver, you deserve financial compensation. But it’s complicated process.

The driver who hit you may have been speeding, operating recklessly, texting behind the wheel or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. But negligent drivers often deny doing anything wrong and refuse to accept responsibility for what happened. That means you have to prove negligence.

Insurance companies are supposed to help people who have been hurt in an accident, but they’re not really on your side. They want to pay you as little as possible so they can keep profits as high as possible. They may question the seriousness of your injuries or argue that you had back problems even before the accident.

Another common tactic they use to minimize compensation is to make you a settlement offer soon after the crash. The only problem is their offer won’t come close to covering all the damages you suffered – and once you take their money, you can’t go back for more.

Insurance companies have lawyers who will try to find ways to pay you less. That’s why you need an experienced attorney who can help you get more.

Our legal team can investigate your accident to get the facts. We know where to look for evidence that the other driver was negligent. We carefully review accidents reports and medical records and check for any video of the crash from traffic cameras. We interview witnesses. If needed, we consult accident reconstruction experts and other specialists.

Our lawyers determine the total amount of damages you suffered. Then we fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

Protect your rights

Our experienced Dallas attorneys thoroughly understand how the legal system works in Dallas County and other neighboring counties. If necessary, we can help you file a lawsuit in one of these counties or wherever your car accident took place.

Sometimes, filing a lawsuit is the best way to obtain the financial compensation you deserve your injuries. That's because many insurance companies are often reluctant to fully compensate injury victims and their families.

You only have one opportunity to obtain all the financial compensation you will need for your entire life for your injury. That's why it's important that you have us working for you. We know what evidence to look for, what questions to ask and how to build a strong legal case. Put your trust in a Dallas law firm that puts your needs first. Contact Tracey Fox & Walters.

Don’t Pay a Penny Unless We Win
Always Free to Talk
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