The San Antonio Express-News reports motorcycle accidents at intersections remain a primary threat to riders.
“Share the Road: Look Twice for Motorcycles” is an awareness program by the Texas Department of Public Safety that aims to remind drivers of the risks of causing a motorcycle accident. National statistics show more than half of all motorcycle accidents involving another vehicle are the fault of the other vehicle's driver. Failure to yield by turning left in front of an oncoming rider has been identified as the leading cause of such crashes.
Intersections are always a prime location for traffic collisions. But the risk of serious or fatal injury to riders makes it critical that motorists use extra caution when approaching riders at these natural points of traffic conflict.
The Texas Department of Transportation reports more than 8,700 motorcycle crashes killed 501 riders last year and seriously injured another 2,101. Nearly 600 San Antonio motorcycle crashes killed 16 riders and injured 97 last year.
Texas DOT provides a number of tips for motorists:
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation reports most of the common causes of motorcycle crashes involving passenger vehicles are the fault of the vehicle's driver. Failure to yield and rear-end collisions are the two biggest safety threats to riders. Other common causes include misjudging speed and distance, as well as collisions related to a misunderstanding how a motorcycle operates, including stopping distance, slowing without braking, and use of turn signals that are not self-canceling.
An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in San Antonio should always be consulted as soon as possible in such cases. Because insurance coverage is often limited and Texas motorcycle accidents typically result in very serious or fatal injuries, determining all liable parties will be critical to obtaining the compensation necessary to physical and financial recovery. This will include an at-fault driver and his or her insurance company, as well as your own insurance carrier and other at-fault parties if they can be identified.
Texas auto insurance law requires all motorists to carry minimum automotive liability coverage of $30,000 per person/$60,000 per incident. This coverage is likely inadequate in the wake of a serious or fatal collision. Texas law does not require motorists to carry uninsured (UM)/underinsured (UIM) motorist coverage. However, this coverage will be vital in the event of a collision with a driver who does not have enough insurance to pay for the full extent of damages. UM/UIM will also protect you in the event of a hit-and-run collision in cases where the at-fault driver is never identified.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact Tracey & Fox and find out how we can help you.