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Posts 11/10/2022

FMCSA Proposed Changes Aimed At Preventing Truck Accidents

Here's a glimpse into what the FMCSA has planned for 2023.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently released its list of proposed regulation changes aimed at preventing commercial truck accidents across the country, according to the Trucking Info website.

Gray classic big rig American semi truck with turned on lights and chrome exhaust pipes transporting covered cargo on flat bed semi trailer driving on the twilight highway road with stormy clouds sky

The proposed changes "prioritize safety and security, promote innovation, foster a consistent regulatory approach to (automated driving systems) ADS-equipped (commercial motor vehicles) CMVs, and recognize the difference between human operators and ADS," the FMCSA stated in its September Significant Rulemaking Report.

The Texas truck accident lawyers at Tracey Fox King & Walters support efforts intended to reduce the number of collisions caused by commercial truck drivers. Our experienced attorneys have seen firsthand the devastating consequences of serious truck accidents.

Proposed regulation changes for commercial truck drivers

The FMCSA recently proposed updating several rules and regulations next year concerning commercial truck drivers. Before the proposed changes go into effect, the public will have a chance to comment on such regulations. The 13 proposed FMCSA rule changes include the following:

  • Requiring heavy trucks to be equipped with automatic emergency brakes (AEB) and standardizing AEB systems and testing procedures for AEBs on commercial trucks. (RIN 2126-AC49)
  • Requiring tractor-trailers and other trucks with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of more than 26,001 pounds to be equipped with devices that limit the maximum speed for a large commercial truck. (RIN 2126-AB63)
  • Updating the medical examiner's handbook (MEH) used by medical examiners (MEs) to determine whether a commercial truck driver meets the physical qualification standards to operate a commercial truck, which can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 49, Part 391, Appendix A.
  • Creating a more effective, data-driven process for identifying commercial truck drivers who are unfit to operate a truck and removing them from operating a commercial truck on the road. (RIN 2126-AC5)
  • Proposed changes to the FMCSA regulations that apply to Mexican commercial trucks that operate in the United States, including requiring Mexican commercial trucking companies to provide additional information to the FMCSA about the trucking company and its business practices. (RIN 2126-AA34)
  • Requiring commercial trucking companies that transport consumer goods to publish quarterly reports explaining any complaints the company received from shipping companies or consumers. (RIN 2126-AB01)

The FMCSA enforces federal laws that apply to commercial truck drivers. Many of the laws that apply to commercial truck drivers across the country can be found in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Semi truck as seen in passenger car side view mirror

Get the Texas truck accident attorneys that get results. Contact Tracey Fox King & Walters.

Don't assume you will be fairly compensated if a commercial truck driver caused your collision. Often, the truck driver, the trucking company, and the insurance companies that represent them will do everything they can to avoid responsibility for the truck wreck.

This is why you need an experienced legal team that understands the latest federal and state laws that apply to commercial truck drivers and trucking companies.

At Tracey Fox King & Walters, our highly-skilled Texas truck accident attorneys have decades of combined legal experience handling complicated truck accident claims. As a result, we know how to deal with trucking companies and insurance providers, whether negotiating the best-possible settlement offer or fighting for a client in court.

Discover what we can do for you. Contact us and schedule a free case evaluation to learn how an experienced Texas truck accident lawyer can help with your potential claim. We have offices conveniently located in HoustonDallas, and San Antonio.

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